The Psychology of Celebrity

Why are we fascinated by celebrities we’ve never met? What is the difference between fame and celebrity? How has social media enabled a new wave of celebrities?

The Psychology of Celebrity explores the origins of celebrity culture, the relationships celebrities have with their fans, how fame can affect celebrities, and what shapes our thinking about celebrities we admire. The book also addresses the way in which the media has been and continues to be an outlet for celebrities, culminating in the role of social media, reality television, and technology in our modern society.

Drawing on research featuring real life celebrities from the Kardashians to Michael Jackson, The Psychology of Celebrity shows us that celebrity influence can have both positive and negative outcomes and the impact these can have on our lives.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Social Science Theories
Chapter 3: Celebrity vs. Fame
Chapter 4: Challenges of Life as a Celebrity
Chapter 5: Celebrities and Fans
Chapter 6: The 21st Century/Social Media

Publisher: Routledge
Series: The Psychology of Everything
Edition: First Edition
Copyright: 2018
Pages : 122 pages (paperback)
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.2 x 7.8 inches (paperback)
ISBN 9780815369561 (paperback)
Price: $15.95 (paperback)

BISAC Subject Codes/Headings:
PSY031000PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology

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